For a picture thats worth a thousand words or a thousand words with a picture

February 2007

The America’s Cup is the world’s oldest sporting trophy. In the summer of 1851, an upstart American schooner sailed to England to compete against a fleet of Old World vessels for the Hundred Guineas Cup. They not only won the cup but they made it their own and renamed it:

The America’s Cup (more…)

To navigate the Costa Blanca, and more specifically Dénia, is to navigate through Spanish history. Rocked by persistent waves, reveling in 311 days of sunshine per year and shaped by that unique accident of coastal geography – a natural harbor – has engendered a town that has lived with the sea for over 2000 years. The Port of Dénia is a certainty that the town has relied upon since its establishment while the key to any development has always been irrevocably intertwined with its development and preservation.


Sunshine gleamed like tiny diamonds where it reflected from her carefully polished teak deck. Intricately carved oak and rosewood inlay created exotic designs on her front panelling near the bow. A fine spray of spume suddenly blew causing the light to fragment into the colours of the rainbow. Her beauty was only surpassed by her effortless speed – and she was merely the yacht’s subsidiary tender!


The coming of spring on the Mediterranean coast brings the sweet scent of thousands of flowers and blossoming orchards as well as the melodious sound of twittering birds. It is a time of gentle thoughts of love and the not so gentle explosion of gunpowder blasting you from your snug bed at the crack of dawn. It must be the time for Las Fallas! (more…)